The technical implementation at the heart of our solution

The Technology Behind the Carbify Solution

The validation and transparency platform is the core of Carbify's solution—it’s the engine that powers everything. But how does it work?

Unlike many carbon credit projects that use geo-fencing, Carbify employs geo-tagging for each agroforestry system. This means we track individual trees with an accuracy of less than 1 meter. This level of precision provides much more detailed and reliable data.

Currently, Carbify operates with two different agroforestry systems: a 15 m² system and a 50 m² system. In both, a central hardwood tree serves as the system’s anchor point. This tree is geo-tagged using specialized equipment, and its geolocation, species, planting date, and other key data are stored on the blockchain as an immutable contract. Each agroforestry system is stored based on a similar contract. Carbon debits can only be generated if this agroforestry contract exists and remains active. If a tree dies for any reason, Carbify can deactivate the contract, meaning the generation of carbon debits will no longer be possible. The deactivated agroforestry system will then be replaced by one of the backup agroforestry systems. (see Compensation and backup solutions)

Let’s take an example: Imagine we plant an agroforestry system that includes a mango tree, pineapples, bananas, passion fruit, coffee, and açaí trees. Together, they form a single bio-diverse system. We geo-tag the mango tree and assign it a unique number on the blockchain (e.g., AF1). This system can only be created once, and it cannot be deleted or secretly modified—it’s technically impossible due to the blockchain’s architecture.

From the start date, AF1 will begin absorbing CO2 from the air. Based on validated, scientifically-backed data determined by the carbon standard (not by Carbify), carbon debits are automatically generated in real-time every second. The owner of AF1 can claim these carbon debits whenever they choose. Only claimed carbon debits are considered to be in active circulation. These tokens are similar to the certificates generated for agroforestry systems but with one key difference: the CO2 tokens are directly linked to AF01 in the contract. Out of millions of trees, we can pinpoint the exact source of origin within milliseconds—for every single kilogram of CO2!

One aCO2 token represents one carbon debit, which equals 1 kilogram of stored carbon.

The major advantage, as mentioned earlier, is that this data cannot be altered. Fraud is impossible, as even Carbify cannot manipulate the data. The only option we can utilize is to deactivate contracts in the case of forest fires, tree deaths, or similar events. Furthermore, all data is publicly available. If Carbify were to produce incorrect data, it would eventually be caught and challenged. The system makes it nearly impossible to hide any inconsistencies.

In conclusion: We have a completely airtight CO2 accounting system based on publicly accessible rules and mathematics, which is over 1000 times more accurate than other systems. And its immutable.

Last updated